AEKMap - Layouts
v1.4 Freeware, April 4, 2012

Here you may find additional layouts not included to the current AEKMap distibution. Just copy .AEK file to "\Program Files\AEKMap\" directory on your device and select it in Start - Programs - "AEKMap Settings". If you found no suitable layouts here you will probably be interested in description of .AEK file format.

Link to page: /aekmaplayout.php?Language=Greek&Keyboard=46&Format=0

 1  Greek (accent), Sony Ericsson X1LinkViewDownload
Language: Greek
Keyboard: Sony Ericsson Xperia X1
Author: Michael "Saxtus" Cohen (
Description: Greek layout for Sony Ericsson X1 keyboard using accent key for accents
Updated: November 17, 2008
Downloads: 2652 (file size 2863b)
 2  Greek (accent), Sony Ericsson X1 QWERTZLinkViewDownload
Language: Greek
Keyboard: Sony Ericsson Xperia X1
Author: Michael "Saxtus" Cohen (
Description: Greek layout for Sony Ericsson X1 QWERTZ keyboard using accent key for accents
Updated: February 1, 2009
Downloads: 943 (file size 2877b)
 3  Greek (colon), Sony Ericsson X1LinkViewDownload
Language: Greek
Keyboard: Sony Ericsson Xperia X1
Author: Michael "Saxtus" Cohen (
Description: Greek layout for Sony Ericsson X1 keyboard using colon key for accents
Updated: November 17, 2008
Downloads: 1610 (file size 2861b)
 4  Greek (colon), Sony Ericsson X1 QWERTZLinkViewDownload
Language: Greek
Keyboard: Sony Ericsson Xperia X1
Author: Michael "Saxtus" Cohen (
Description: Greek layout for Sony Ericsson X1 QWERTZ keyboard using colon key for accents
Updated: February 1, 2009
Downloads: 766 (file size 2875b)
 5  Greek SMS 160, Sony Ericsson X1LinkViewDownload
Language: Greek
Keyboard: Sony Ericsson Xperia X1
Author: Michael "Saxtus" Cohen (
Description: Greek layout for Sony Ericsson X1 keyboard for use when sending SMS messages
Updated: February 1, 2009
Downloads: 2518 (file size 1909b)
 6  Greek SMS 160, Sony Ericsson X1 QWERTZLinkViewDownload
Language: Greek
Keyboard: Sony Ericsson Xperia X1
Author: Michael "Saxtus" Cohen (
Description: Greek layout for Sony Ericsson X1 QWERTZ keyboard for use when sending SMS messages
Updated: February 2, 2009
Downloads: 1573 (file size 1923b)

.AEK format

Alexander Eltsyn